Saturday, August 3, 2013

Create Virtual Machine “OCM” & Install Linux Guest OS

image image  

clip_image006 clip_image008

clip_image010 image  


Add two more virtual hard disks to ocm VM.

image image

image image

image image


Similarly add ocmhd3. After adding ocmhd3, you will see:


Now add additional nework adapter: We will have 2 or more network adapters for each VM.

1) One with network mode of NAT


2)Another with network mode of Host-only Adapter


This is how it will look. Check storage and network.



Download OS ISO image from:


Select below as Exam environment suggests that the lab would be running Oracle Linux 5.4 32-bit.


clip_image020 will be downloaded. Extract it. It will extract below file:


image image

Click the CD icon and provide ISO image downloaded for Linux OS.

Then click “Start” for ocm.

ocm1 ocm2 ocm3 ocm4 ocm5 ocm6 ocm7 ocm8 ocm9 ocm10 ocm11 ocm12 ocm13 ocm14

ocm1 ocm2

ocm5 ocm3 ocm4 ocm5    ocm18 ocm19 ocm20 ocm31 ocm32 ocm33   ocm36 ocm37 ocm38 ocm39 ocm40  ocm42 ocm43 ocm44 ocm45 ocm46 ocm47 ocm48 ocm49

  Few more tasks:

1. Don’t forget to install guest additions for linux to make sure higher screen resolution is available as well as some other features. Follow

2. Install oracle-validated rpm using yum install oracle-validated. Check the output here::

When it is installed, the Oracle Pre-Install RPM or Oracle Validated RPM does the following:

  • Automatically downloads and installs any additional RPM packages needed for installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database, and resolves any dependencies

  • Creates an oracle user, and creates the oraInventory (oinstall) and OSDBA (dba) groups for that user

    [root@ocm ~]# id oracle
    uid=54321(oracle) gid=54321(oinstall) groups=54321(oinstall),54322(dba) context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow-SystemHigh

  • As needed, sets sysctl.conf settings, system startup parameters, and driver parameters to values based on recommendations from the Oracle RDBMS Pre-Install program

  • Sets hard and soft resource limits

  • Sets other recommended parameters, depending on your kernel version

3. Modify /etc/hosts as shown below: 

[root@ocm ~]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.      ocm localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

[root@ocm ~]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. ocm localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

VM OCM is ready for use.

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